Parade of Sugary Goodness
A parade of sugary goodness
passed through my little town
though the window I was witness
to the sweetest sight and sound
There were people dressed in costumes
and people in their regular clothes
I saw that you had left your rooms
and walked the way the river flows
The sidewalk was cinnamon-coated
it was sticky but still pleasin'
with sap the buckets overloaded
for it was maple syrup season
A parade of sugary goodness
passed through my little town
though the window I was witness
to the sweetest sight and sound
The hint of spring was like a secret
nobody cared to keep
I felt the dollar in my pocket
my only choice was something cheap
I made my way to an ice cream cart
and asked for a scoop in a bowl
you offered to pay for half my part
and together we ate it whole
At the parade of sugary goodness
everything slowly came true
we understood the parade was us
and I walked along with you
We understood the parade was us
and I walked along with you |
© Mark Donato |