Screaming Holy Holy
Don't even try to think yourself out of it
just let it hurt
you can run around screaming holy holy
and get back home still feeling like dirt
It's human nature, some human says
to bang your head against the wall
is that what it takes, sweet Jesus
to feel human at all
to feel human at all
Don't even try to think yourself out of it
just let it hurt
you can run around screaming holy holy
and get back home still feeling like dirt
Your social circle's imploding now
sinking back into the earth
so you can see the folly of how
you measured your own worth
you measured your own worth
Don't even try to think yourself out of it
you're in it till it's down
at least you've found a explanation
why you're not having fun |
Still it makes you shiver
in this life this is the common lot
your job is to deliver
whether you get paid or not
Way up on the diving board
the facts are fairly stark
without a shield, without a sword
you dive into the dark
you dive into the dark
Don't even try to think yourself out of it
there's no way out from under the sun
just run around screaming holy holy
till the day is done
Don't even try to think yourself out of it
there's no way out from under the sun
just run around screaming holy holy
till the day is done
till the day is done |
© Mark Donato |