Creation Story
God blew and made the breeze
And the earth grew a billion trees
And the tulips bloomed in the early
And you and I had everything
Don't tell me it's not meant to be
It's come about so naturally
Like monkeys swinging tree to tree
You and me, you and me, you and me
And yes the serpent curled around
A streetlight in the center of town
And in his eyes I saw my own
Cold and hungry and alone
And so I rewrote history
Forbidden fruit inside of me
Still it doesn't mean that we can't be
You and me, you and me, you and me
The civil order collapsed
And the boys and girls redrew the maps
Then the conquerors fled
Leaving you and me for dead
In this scary world we made
It's best to start out unafraid
With the forest floor as our bed
We won't plan more than a meal ahead
Don't tell me it's not meant to be
It's come about so naturally
Like monkeys swinging tree to tree
You and me, you and me, you and me
God blew and made the breeze
And the earth grew a billion trees
And the tulips bloomed in the early spring
And you and I had everything |
© Mark Donato |