My Mom Is Crazy

My mom is crazy and I am too
Mess with us and we'll mess with you
Press the button that sticks out here
And we'll fill your little world with fear
If you meet all our demands
Maybe we'll untie your hands

My mom and I are here to stay
We don't need you anyway
You have no effect on us

My mother has a reputation
For intimidation
I bring up the rear
Making sure the coast is clear
Change that look on your smirky face
Or we'll have to wreck the place
Out of all the lessons that I've ever had
The main one is don't make her mad

My mom and I are here to stay
We don't need you anyway
You have no effect on us

So if you intend to treat me mean
Like other women that I've seen
I suggest you think again
Or a woman wearing a leather jacket
And carrying a tennis racquet
Might show up in my shoes
And she hates to lose

My mom and I are hear to stay
We don't need you anyway
You have no effect on us
You have no effect on us
© Mark Donato